Monday 29 October 2007


The Wonderful Plant Noni (Morinda Citrifolia)

Ancient peoples of what is now known as French Polynesia, colonized islands throughout the South Pacific. As they made their voyages from island to island in the ocean-going canoes, they brought with them sacred plants from their home islands. These plants contained the basic foods, construction materials and medicines used by the Polynesian colonizers. Perhaps the most important of these plants is known as Morinda citrifolia . Ancient manuscripts handed down from generation to generation, describe many uses for this plant.

This plant is known among the people of the tropics world-wide. In Malaysia, it is known as Mengkudu . In Southeast Asia it is known as Nhau . In the islands of the South Pacific the plant is known as Nonu , in Samoa and Tonga. Nono in Raratonga and Tahiti, and Noni in the Marquesas Islands and Hawaii. Here it has become and integral part of the Polynesian culture. An important source of food, the fruit of the Morinda citrifolia tree has been used for centuries as a food source. Early Polynesians recognized its pure value and consumed it in times of famine.

During World War II, soldiers based on tropic Polynesian islands were taught by the native Polynesian people to eat the noni fruit to sustain their strength. The noni fruit became a staple food choice for people of Raratonga, Samoa and Fiji who ate the noni fruit raw or cooked. Australian Aborigines were fond of the noni and consumed it raw with salt. Seeds, leaves, bark and root were also consumed by people familiar with the qualities of this unusual plant. We believe that we have much to learn from the traditional use of the amazing plant. The wonderful thing about the Morinda Citrifolia plant is that every part is valued and used.

Important Facts about Noni Fruit

Noni FruitNoni is the common Hawaiian name for Morinda citrifolia, also known as Indian Mulberry. The Morinda Citrifolia plant flourishes in the lush and unspoiled islands of French Polynesia , the best known of these islands is Tahiti . It is considered to be one of the most beautiful plants in the islands. It is a valued addition to a traditional Polynesian garden. The plant reaches heights of 15-20 feet and yields fruit year-round. The blossoms of the tree are a creamy white color. The mature noni fruit is about the size of a potato and resembles a small breadfruit. When ripe the fruit turns yellow and white.

The traditional Polynesians pick the noni before is it fully ripe and placed it in a jar in the direct sunlight. When fully ripe, the noni is mashed into a puree and the juice is extracted through a cloth. The juice is now ready for use. Traditionally, Noni Juice is taken during times of rest when the body is under the least amount of stress. The Morinda Citrifolia has been prized in Polynesia for centuries but has never found its way to the western market, until now. Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) Inc. is the first company to offer it to the North American consumer.
A paper has been entitled, "The Pharmacologically Active Ingredient of Noni" by R. M. Heinicke of the University of Hawaii. The author reports that he found noni to be "the best raw material to use for the isolation of xeronine ," a new alkaloid.
1 J. Morton, the Ocean-Going Noni, or Indian Mulberry (Morinda Citrifolia Rubiaceae) and Some of Its Colorful Relatives, Econ. Bot. 46(3) pp. 241-256, 1992 .
2 Medicinal Chest from the Malaysian Rainforest, 1996
3 Issabella Alona Abbott, La'an Hawaii Traditional Hawaiian Uses of Plants.
4 Otto Degener, B.S., M.S., Illustrative of Plants and Customs of the South Seas
5 Mala L'au: A Garden of Hawaiian Healing Plants, 1996
6 Alexandra Dittmar, Morinda Citrifolia L - Use in Indigenous Samoan Medicine, Journal of Herbs and Medicinal Plants, Vol. 1(3), 1993
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


How Noni Juice works

Dr. Ralph Heinicke, a noted American biochemist, had a potentially ground-breaking revelation while studying pineapple enzymes. He realized that a certain alkaloid he called Xeronine may play a key role in encouraging proper cell function and growth in the human body. Xeronine is formed in the large intestine, where a chemical reaction occurs between Proxeronine and Proxeronase. Dr. Heinicke realized that these two substances exist in abundance in the Noni fruit.

Noni Juice Benefits:

Morinda Citrifolia fruit grows larger and more lush in Tahiti than in other location in the world. Tahitian Noni Juice is made of Morinda citrifolia fruit that has amazing health benefits.

  1. Noni juice may boost the immune system, helping promote wellness.
  2. Xeronine, which is formed in the large intestines, may encourage proper cell function and growth in the human body.
  3. According to Dr. Heinicke's research, Xeronine may help enlarge the pores in the walls of human cells and enable nutrients to enter the cells more easily. TAHITIAN NONI® may improve the body's ability to make use of the nutrients.

Natural properties of Noni fruit

While Proxeronine and Proxeronaise are generally regarded as the key effective ingredients in Noni, there are actually dozens of other neutraceuticals (natural properties) found in Noni fruit. Following is a list of some of the better known ones along with their function and how they react with the body.

This information is in no way intended to replace any medical advice or medications or to act as a prescription. It is designed for education purposes only. Noni is a natural fruit which supports the body’s natural functions.


Some of the biological activity of anthraquinones includes fighting inflammation, bacteria, parasites and tumors. Some of these compounds are also considered analgesic (pain relievers).

Anthraquinones are also used to fight fungal infections in addition to improving the immunity of the body. These compounds aid in metabolism, cellular respiration and growth. Damnacanthal, one of these groups of compounds, inhibits the formation of tumors by interfering with the growth of RAS cells. It is believed that some anthraquinones cut off the blood supply to tumors, depriving them of their nutrients slowing the growth of tumors by inhibiting important enzymes needed to form them.
Alizarin, another anthraquinone, also slows tumor growth as well as fighting leukemia and inhibits the human immunodeficiency virus as found in (HIV).

Some also were found to significantly “tie-up” the mineral calcium and reduce the growth rate of urinary crystals, which benefits those afflicted with gout and kidney stones.


These substances, once called “glucosides” are found in abundance in the plant kingdom. These simple sugars are glucose, xylose, fructose, or any other sugar. Some glycosides are valuable heart treatments, and include derivatives of digitalis for the treatment of heart ailments.

One important glycoside found in Noni juice is Asperuloside, and used for the treatment of diuresis > (reducing water retention), inflammation, varicose veins and phlebitis. It also helps in preventing chromosome breakage and mutation.


Sterols include cholesterol found in animals and ergosterol found in plants. The plant sterols, called phytosterols alleviate problems associated with high levels of “bad” cholesterol (LDL) in our bodies, and can cause cardiovascular disease. Noni slows down the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and lowers total plasma and LDL cholesterol levels.

Noni juice is an important source of (beta-) sitosterols, stigmasterol and campesterol—the three most nutritionally important phytosterols. These are also high in dietary fiber, and contribute to the healthy function of the prostrate.

Beta sitosterols has been shown to be anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and lowers fever, helping to balance the immune system. A balanced immune system will help improve rheumatoid arthritis, allergies, cancer, auto-immune diseases, and chronic viral infections.

Stigmasterol and sitosterols are anti-inflammatory when applied topically.

These compounds also reduces the tedency of blood clotting conditions (thrombosis) and helps to repair slightly damaged blood vessels.

Try Original and Authentic TAHITIAN NONI® juice and see the Amazing Health Benefits


Terpenes are the major components in the oils of citrus fruits and they include the bioflavanoids and carotenoids. These substances combat fungal and bacterial infections, and are helpful in the treatment of glaucoma, spastic symptoms of multiple sclerosis, spinal lesions and in reducing the severity and side effects of chemotherapy.

Eugenol, a terpene, acts as an active germicide as well as induces anesthesia of the trigeminal nerve associated with Trigeminal Neuralgia or Tic Doulureax. Eugenol relaxes smooth muscle by interfering with the muscle’s contraction, and is found in a variety of aromatherapy oils, which are used for their soothing, calming and comforting effect.

Beta-carotene, another terpene, is associated with a reduced rate of cancers of the cells of the lung, skin, cervix, respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. This is attributed to the compound’s ability to “mop up” free radicals, thus reducing the oxidative damage.

The thymus gland, which helps distribute T cells that destroy invading microbes, gradually deteriorates with age and stress, mostly from oxidative damage. Supplementing the diet with beta-carotene will offer anti-oxidizing benefits to the immune system and offers protection to the large bacteria-eating immune cells called phagocytes and other immune cells.

It also significantly reduces cholesterol levels, and supplies about two-thirds of the vitamin A needed for our bodies. Vitamin A helps our night sight and contributes to healthy skin and mucous membranes—the body’s first defense against infection and injury. This important vitamin also cares for our gastro-intestinal tract, respiratory system and the genito-urinary tract. Daily intake of Noni juice is a good source of this vitamin.

Limonene, another terpene, has been found to limit tumor formation and antimicrobial activity and is involved in Alzheimer studies.

Ursolic Acid, also known as urson and prunol, has medicinal value when applied topically or taken internally for relieving symptoms of inflammatory and fungal infections of the skin. Taken internally it inhibits the formation and growth of tumors of the skin and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It also has alopecia-(loss of hair) and dandruff-preventing properties.

Other Components


This fiber is a non-cellulose complex sugar and performs important functions within the gastrointestinal tract. It absorbs water and slows the emptying of the stomach contents into the small intestine. It also binds bile acids and cholesterol and regulates glucose absorption through the gut wall, helping those with blood sugar conditions.

Pectin in the diet will increase the volume of material moving through the bowel, reducing concentration of feces and carcinogenic substances in the bowel.

Scopoletin belongs to a group of compounds called coumarins, which cares for the liver, inhibits the growth of E. coli in the gut and is antibacterial against many other agents that cause viruses. It has also shown to be five times more effective as aspirin as an anti-inflammatory effect for bronchial illnesses and asthma.


Xeronine is a small alkaloid that is required in picrogram (trillionth of gram) amounts and is essential to the correct functioning of the body. Large amounts are used in times of physical or mental stress. xeronine is produced in the body from proxeronine and the enzyme proxeronase in the small intestine. All healthy cells require xeronine to function correctly.

  • Xeronine and protein
    Xeronine is required to regulate the shape and rigidity of certain proteins. Noni juice, the richest source of this nutrient, appears to improve the function and structure of hormones, antibodies, connective tissue, enzymes and neurotransmitters. . Conditions directly involved with proteins may include PMT, menopausal symptoms, acne, arthritis, lupus, sleeplessness, depression, digestive disorders, poor liver metabolism as well as poor immune function.
  • Xeronine and burns
    Xeronine stimulates the production of a specific protease (an enzyme which dissolves protein) and quickly removes dead tissue from burns and promotes quick healing.
  • Xeronine and addiction
    Other proteins in the central nervous system become potential receptor sites and bind with endorphins that allow the individual to have the normal feeling of well-being. Once xeronine floods the body’s systems then the xeronine displaces the chemicals and addictions to these other alkaloids is overcome with no physical withdrawal symptoms.
  • Xeronine and nutritional supplements and medications
    Vitamins also require xeronine to properly function within the body. It allows the formation of pores through membranes in blood vessels, body organs and in the gastrointestinal tract. This facilitates digestion and improves the action of other medicines and herbs.
Do you have any question regarding TAHITIAN NONI juice?

Amino Acids

Of the twenty amino acids, including the nine essential for our health, seventeen are found in Noni juice. If an individual does not get a complete protein balance, then production and maintenance of muscles, connective tissue, blood-clotting factors, blood transport systems, visual pigments and the protein matrix inside bones would be at risk.


Alanine carries ammonia (a poisonous by-product of amino acid breakdown in the muscles) in a non-toxic to the liver to be removed from the body as urea. It is also glucogenic amino acid and is necessary in the formation of blood glucose of liver glycogen—without which our bodies would starve. Alanine also contributes to thymus growth and increases lymphocyte division, a vital component of the nucleic acids in defense against disease.


Arginine is made by the liver as a step in producing urea in order to rid the body of the toxic build up of ammonia in the muscles.

  • Arginine and high energy requirements
    A high-energy compound called creatine phosphate is important in keeping energy stores high in the muscle, brain and nerve. Arginine and Methionine are both required to make this compound. arginine is also involved in immune system processes and the synthesis of collagen, insulin, elastin, glucagon and hemoglobin.
  • Arginine and reproduction
    Sperm count and motility improve when taking arginine as a food supplement.


This amino acid is a neurotransmitter involved in brain metabolism. It also acts like arginine and alanine in urea production and glucose synthesis, and helps potassium and magnesium be more easily absorbed by the body.


Cystine aids in the production of insulin and antibodies, and is an important antioxidant. It acts as an agent to bring up phlegm and can help with cystic fibrosis, chronic bronchitis and bronchiecstasis. It is also an important detoxifying agent and aids in glucose manufacture.


This amino acid is involved in the formation of nucleic acids, which is the basis of our genetic makeup. It is also a component of collagen, bile acids and many hormones, and is involved in liver detoxification.

Glycine and gout

Glycine increases growth hormone and aids in the excretion of uric acid from the body, which can cause painful bouts of gout.


  • Histidine and the brain
    This amino acid is required for the manufacture of histamine, which is concentrated in the pituitary gland in the brain and in some brain nerves. This promotes resistance to stress and anxiety. A histamine imbalance is associated with anxiety, schizophrenia, lethargy, poor appetite and nausea.
  • Histidine and the nerves
    Histidine is involved in making collagen and the myelin sheath that surrounds the nerves. The destruction of this sheath is the major cause of multiple sclerosis. It also aids in the manufacture of hemoglobin (the red substance in our blood that carries oxygen around the body), and in the dilation of blood vessels to lower blood pressure.
  • Histidine and acidity
    Histidine maintains the pH levels in the blood and body fluids, preventing excessive acidity in those fluids.
  • Histidine and rheumatoid arthritis
    Therapeutic levels of histidine have shown to relieve symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.


Isoleucine is involved in glucose production, and is used in treatment of liver disease or kidney failure.


This amino acid plays a role in energy production, muscle metabolism and stress management. When there is starvation or physical trauma, this amino acid are required in higher amounts

  • Leucine and Olivoponto Parkinson’s Disease
    5% of the Parkinson’s patients respond well to high doses of leucine, which lowers the brain levels of dopamine. The 95% who require an increase in dopamine levels, taking Noni juice shows an improvement in ease of movement and speech as well as other symptoms of Parkinson’s disease. Leucine also aids growing children and for wound healing.
  • Lysine
    Lysine is a major amino acid required for production of elastin and collagen, connective tissue. It is also a component of hormones and acts as a link for vitamin B_ on enzymes, and is an important component of genetic material in the cell. It can help with cold sores and other herpes infections.


  • Methionine and liver detoxification
    Methionine supports detoxification of the liver, and is often used in liver support therapies. It is required for nucleic acid, protein, collagen, lecithin and antibody manufacture within the body, Methionine is an antioxidant agent and is significant in the production of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and the hormone adrenalin.

    Acetylcholine is the substance that the nerves use to transmit impulses to one another. Adrenalin is the most potent stimulant of the body and acts to increase heart rate, respiration and a number of other body functions in response to sudden stress.


  • Phenylalanine and hormones
    Phenylalanine is required to make dopamine, noradrenalin, thyroxine and melanin. With decreased levels of noradrenaline in the brain, then depression and fatigue will be the result. Melanin is a pigment produced by the body to help screen out harmful ultra-violet rays.
  • Phenylalanine and pain
    Phenylalanine is known as an analgesic, which is a pain reliever, and digestion is greatly enhanced by gastric acid secretions.

This major amino acid aids it the production of connective tissue. Connective tissue makes up the dermis of the skin, tendons, ligaments, cartilage and bone matrix.

Serine is a neurotransmitter, which reduces the excitability of the nerves of the spine and is a major component of important brain substances.

  • Serine and cell membranes
    Serine encloses and protects the contents of the cell, and is important to cell membrane structure. It regulates the entry and exit of the various chemicals the cell needs or excretes. It allows the cell membrane’s structure, flexibility and integrity to be intact.


This amino acid acts as a building block for Glycine and Serine., and is required to keep the immune system functioning normally.


  • Tryptophan and depression
    This amino acid is commonly used for treating depression, particularly where insomnia is a factor.
  • Tryptophan and sleep
    Tryptophan is required to manufacture vitamin B_ and the hormones melatonin and serotonin, as well as stimulating protein synthesis. Serotonin regulates appetites and sleep. A deficiency of this neurotransmitter is associated with aggression, depression and obsessive-compulsive disorders. Melatonin regulates our sleep cycles.


Like Tryptophan and pheylalanine, tyrosine is used to control depression. It makes thyroid hormones, adrenal hormones, dopamine, noradrenalin and melanin. It helps with the pigmentation of the skin, regulating blood pressure and aiding concentration.


This amino acid helps maintain the myelin sheath around the nerves and is one of the amino acids vital to energy production and repair in the muscles.


Many important fatty acids found in Noni are important to the overall complex metabolic processes of the body.

  • Acetic acid is the main acid that all fatty acids are made from.
  • Caprylic acid another fatty acid, inhibits yeast and fungal overgrowth in the body.
  • Linoleic acid which cannot be manufactured in the body, serves these important functions: Strengthens capillary and cell membranes and increases skin strength Combines with cholesterol to form important compounds Helps lower serum cholesterol levels, and aids in the transport and metabolism of cholesterol Builds essential compounds that regulate bodily function

Other Acids

Benzoic Acid
Butanoic Acid
Decanoic Acid
Elaidic Acid
Heptanoic Acid
Hexanedioic Acid
Hexanoic Acid
Isobutyric Acid
Isocaproic Acid
Isolavenic Acid
Lauric Acid
Linoleic Acid
Mystiric Acid
n-butyric Acid
Nonanoic Acid
Octaduenoic Acid
Oleic Acid
Palmitic Acid
Ricinoleic Acid
Stearic Acid
Undecanoic Acid
Unolic Acid
Valeric Acid

Vitamins and Minerals

A, C, E, B1, B2, B6, B12, Niacin, Biotin, Pantothenic Acid (B5), Folic Acid, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Sodium Potassium.


Fructose, Glucose, Hexose, Rhamnose, Pentose
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


TAHITIAN NONI® Juice supports your immune system, delivers superior antioxidants that help rid the body of harmful free radicals, increases energy, and allows greater physical performance levels.

Ancient tradition and modern research both testify of the power of noni. A must for those concerned with overall health and wellness.

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is impossible to duplicate. Our process—which includes harvesting techniques, quality assurance that begins in the field, extraction and stabilization procedures, custom equipment, and packaging techniques—is proprietary and absolutely exclusive.

Refrigerate after opening, shake before using. Note for those who travel: TAHITIAN NONI® juice has a 60-day shelf life without refrigeration once it is opened. A plastic Noni flask is the perfect way to take your juice along, or try the convenient handi-packs.

Amount to drink: The bottle suggests taking 1 ounce per day, preferably before meals. This is a maintenance dose for a healthy person.

When to drink TAHITIAN NONI® juice: To give your body the best opportunity to utilize the benefits of TAHITIAN NONI® juice, it is best to drink it on an empty stomach. This allows the enzyme that liberates xeronine to be absorbed quickly. After drinking TAHITIAN NONI® juice, wait at least 15 minutes, preferably 30-45 minutes before you eat food, smoke, or consume caffeine or alcohol. It does not matter what time of day you choose to drink TAHITIAN NONI® juice. However, if drinking it before bed keeps you awake, drink it 30-45 minutes before dinner instead. If you need to stay awake for whatever reason, keep drinking sips of TAHITIAN NONI® juice for increased alertness.

Tahitian Noni International suggests you to make a commitment to drink TAHITIAN NONI® juice for at least 90-120 days to realize the full benefits.

IMPORTANT: Noni is 100% NONTOXIC to the body, so don’t worry about drinking too much. It is safe for babies, pregnant women, grandparents, and even pets (pets and children take ½ adult dose).

Accumulative from July 1996, Tahitian Noni International has well over an 80% monthly re-order rate for TAHITIAN NONI® juice (90% for those who have used the juice 6 months or more). In the health products field, this re-order rate is literally unheard of.

Tahitian Noni International does not claim Noni juice to be a curative, simply a nutritional supplement that supplies your system with proxeronine, an important natural alkaloid the body craves in order to rebuild and repair damaged cells. Juice from the Tahitian species of the Morinda citrifolia plant is one of nature’s most potent sources of proxeronine, and is available exclusively from Tahitian Noni International.

TAHITIAN NONI Juice Ingredients:
Noni Fruit Juice from Pure Juice Puree from French Polynesia, Natural Grape Juice Concentrate, Natural Blueberry Juice Concentrate, and Natural Flavors.

Not made from dried or powdered noni.

Label Information:
Size: 1.06 quart (1 liter) glass bottle
Serving size: 1 fluid ounce (30mL)
Servings per container: 33

Amount Per Serving - %DV

Calories - 10
Total Carbohydrate - 3g - 1%
Sugars - 2g
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


TAHITIAN NONI® juice may help you to take control of your life because TAHITIAN NONI® juice seems to operate on the very basic and critical cellular level. Research indicates that TAHITIAN NONI® strengthens the immune system, regulate cell function and regenerate damaged cells.

TAHITIAN NONI® Juice does not interfere with any other medications, but we recommend you do consult your doctor. If you want to see how TAHITIAN NONI® can bring a complete change in your life,
  • Immune system:

    TAHITIAN NONI® Juice supports the immune system, which strengthens the body’s natural ability to fight disease and infection.
  • Circulatory system:

    Tissues, and cells. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is a superior antioxidant that helps your body rid itself of harmful free radical and may increase your energy level.
  • Digestive system:

    TAHITIAN NONI® Juice supports proper digestion, which means you
    absorb more nutrients at the cellular level.
  • Skin and hair:

    Because TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is good for so many systems of the body, it help give your hair a healthy shine and lets you skin glow.
  • Other benefits:

    You may notice include increased mental clarity, increase attention span, and greater physical performance levels. .

What makes TAHITIAN NONI® Juice Unique

  • TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is supplied by Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) and sold individually in a 33 ounce glass bottle or in a case of 4 bottles
  • TAHITIAN NONI Juice contains the alkaloid Proxeronine, which combines in the body with enzyme Proxeronase, creating Xeronine.
  • Each batch of Morinda Citrifolia fruit is pureed and pasteurized to exacting standards and tested for quality control.
  • All-natural berry juices are added for flavoring.
  • The 33 oz glass bottle, If unopened, has a shelf life of 18-24 months. After opening, the refrigerated shelf life is three to six months.
  • Contains no preservatives, added sugars, or artificial ingredients.
TAHITIAN NONI Juice is a pure, natural juice product with a rich tradition among the peoples of Polynesia. The health promoting benefits of Morinda Citrifolia have been chronicled for generations among the peoples of the South Pacific, New Zealand, Australia, Malaysia, India and the islands of the Caribbean. It is known among some people as the Grand Morinda, Cheese fruit and many more.
TAHITIAN NONI® Juice - Tradition and Science at last agree!
We do sell what we believe in. We are able to achieve great health and success in introducing TAHITIAN NONI® Juice to thousands of people because of warm, friendly, professional and courteous customer service. Please call us to try and get GUARANTEED best prices on the web for TAHITIAN NONI® Juice from Tahitian Noni International (Morinda).

"Noni Juice contains compounds that work at the cellular level to actually increase the positive functionality of cells in the body."
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


Noni has an amazing active ingredient called xeronine. Noni works at the cellular level to cause cell revitalization and actually increases the ability of cells within the body to absorb and utilize nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Scientific studies have shown Noni's potential to nutritionally regulate the immune system. It is truly rare to find a pure product that tastes good, is good for you, and is rich in scientific validation.

What makes TAHITIAN NONI® Juice the SUPER JUICE?

  • Helps maintain cholesterol at existing normal levels
  • Boosts your immune system
  • Delivers superior antioxidants
  • Increases energy and physical performance
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Q: What is noni?
A: Noni (Morinda citrifolia) is a small greenish white tropical fruit about the size of a potato, high in antioxidants, and is primarily found in the South Pacific. For centuries, the noni fruit has been an anti-oxidant rich resource considered to have healthful benefits by generations of Tahitians.

Q: What are the benefits of noni?
A: The noni plant is very versatile. The fruit and leaves are known to have many traditional uses. When we talk about noni, we break it into three key areas of product development: the fruit, leaf and seed.

o Fruit – We use a fruit puree in the juice beverage, as well as noni extracts in other products. The fruit in concentrate form becomes an extract that is used in other products including facial care and skin care.
 and have numerous peer review studies relating to the benefits of noni.

o Leaf – Used as a tea the leaf has great antioxidant benefits, in addition it aids the digestive system. The leaf also can be processed into an extract that we call noni leaf serum which is a soothing gel used for topical applications.

o Seed – Tahitian Noni International has received a patent for the process of extracting the oil from the noni seeds which is used as a moisturizer for our facial care products. We also sell the seed oil as a separate product, which features linoleic acid which has been proven to be a powerful ally in skin hydration and health.

Q: What is TAHITIAN NONI® Juice?
A: In the early 1990s, food scientist John Wadsworth was introduced to noni, a fruit high in antioxidants and rich in a history of helping people. He later traveled to Tahiti and other islands in French Polynesia to further his research and determine the availability of the fruit for commerce throughout the rest of the world. Tahitian Noni International was the first company to bring the health benefits of the noni plant to the world outside of Tahiti. John partnered with Stephen Story, both food scientists, and spent two years formulating TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.

Q: Does TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice contain added sugars?
A: All natural juices have natural fructose which is a sugar. We do not add any additional sugars to the juice.

Q: Why do some noni distributors claim that the juice can prevent and/or relieve certain ailments?
A: TNI has strict guidelines on how its products can be presented and described, and we absolutely prohibit any misrepresentation of the product. We have a compliance department that reviews and monitors distributors claims to ensure that they comply with our policies. Distributors who are found making false claims are disciplined and if they continue we will terminate them.

Q: Why is the noni fruit from Tahiti any better than a noni grown in Hawaii, for instance?
A: The islands of French Polynesia have nutrient-rich soils that have been home to wild grown noni for centuries. On more populated islands, noni plants have been raised for the sake of development and are now being re-cultivated in noni farms.

Q: What evidence do you have that the growing popularity of noni fruit is sustainable? Or is this just another fad?
Q: How do you control the claims of your Independent Product Consultants?
A: Tahitian Noni International has strict guidelines and controls to ensure that its Independent Product Consultants are well educated about the product and are prohibited from making any representations about the product that have not been approved by the company. Tahitian Noni International takes every appropriate action (including termination of sales agreements and legal action) if it finds evidence that an Independent Product Consultant is not in compliance.

Q: What are TNI’s key scientific studies supporting noni health benefits?
A: We have numerous patents pending that deal with scientific studies. Additional scientific studies can be researched on and and

Tahitian Noni International is a research-driven company dedicated to pioneering new, innovative applications for the noni plant.

Q: How are your harvesters certified?
A: Pickers are required to participate in the Tahitian Noni training program. Harvesters educate Tahitian pickers on when and how to properly pick the fruit as well as how to ship it to our facility in Tahiti for processing. Pickers must pass ongoing inspections.

Q: How can you be certain that the people who harvest the fruit receive fair wages and benefits, and have a safe working environment?
A: Tahitian Noni International has employed local management that is familiar with the customs, laws and regulations of French Polynesia. The Management works closely with the Governments of French Polynesia and ensures that the work environment and salary meet government standards. Tahitian Noni International has received an award from the Government of French Polynesia “for it’s outstanding partnership with our country in the creation of new jobs, economic and manufacturing infrastructure and for the development of programs that have led to improved quality of life for a growing number of our people”.

Q: What are the economic, political, and social impacts of noni harvesting on the Tahitian people?
A: Tahitian Noni International has been presented the “Corporation with Social Responsibility” Award from the government and people of French Polynesia for its positive economic and social impact on the country “for it’s outstanding partnership with our country in the creation of new jobs, economic and manufacturing infrastructure and for the development of programs that have led to improved quality of life for a growing number of our people”

Q: What is Tahitian Noni International’s relationship with Dr. Ralph Heinicke?
A: Dr. Heinicke did essential research that helped us understand the properties of the noni fruit. He continues to be a consultant for Tahitian Noni International and provides his exclusive endorsement for TAHITIAN NONI® Products.

Q: Have any of your Independent Product Consultants been disciplined for failing to adhere to accepted guidelines? Are you prepared to do so in the future?
A: We adhere to the Direct Selling Association’s guidelines and do not tolerate an Independent Product Consultants failure to comply with our company’s policies and procedures.

Q: What controls do you have in place to ensure that the soil, water and air are protected in the course of growing and harvesting the noni fruit?
A: Our process does not use any machinery or materials that would be a threat to the natural environment. We do not allow chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers to be used on the noni tree.

Q: Given that Tahitian Noni International’s noni fruit is harvested in Tahiti, how does TNI ensure that the fruit is quality-controlled?
A: Tahitian Noni International has a quality control system for the harvesting and the processing of the fruit. These guidelines include specific size and ripeness of the fruit used in its juices and testing by analytical labs. The puree is processed in Tahiti, sealed in chilled large containers, and shipped to our American Fork Utah Manufacturing Plant for bottling.

Q: How does noni cure cancer, asthma and arthritis?
A: Noni is a natural healthy beverage rich in antioxidants that promote wellness. TNI and its Independent Product Consultants do not claim that noni cures cancer or any other ailments.

TNI has strict guidelines on how its products can be presented and described, and we absolutely prohibit any misrepresentation of the product.

Q: What are Tahitian Noni International’s current sales figures?
A: Tahitian Noni International’s annual sales in 2005 exceeded $500 million worth of products worldwide.

Q: How is Tahitian Noni International different from other companies selling noni?
A: Tahitian Noni International was the first to introduce the benefits of noni to the world.

Tahitian Noni International has the largest noni research facility and is dedicated to pioneering new, innovative applications for the noni plant. Tahitian Noni International has patents issued and patents pending relating to the noni plant.

Unlike many competing products, the original TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is made from noni fruit puree, not dried or powdered noni. And it contains no chemical preservatives, sugars, or thickeners.

Q: Is TAHITIAN NONI® Juice safe for pregnant women to drink?
A: TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is a natural fruit juice and is safe for pregnant women to drink.

Q: How does Tahitian Noni International differentiate from other direct selling companies, such as Amway?
A: Our company is unique. Our products are founded upon the rich history, tradition and culture of Tahiti, with the common component in noni. We cannot think of any other company that has incorporated such an admired traditional culture like that of the Islands of French Polynesia.

All of Tahitian Noni International’s Independent Product Consultants worldwide are required to operate in accordance with the Direct Selling Association (DSA) Guidelines for Ethical Business Practice. The guidelines provide individuals and organizations involved in direct selling with generally accepted principles of conduct.

Network marketing is a fun, flexible and financially rewarding business opportunity. Tahitian Noni International annually sells more than $500 million worth of products worldwide. Success is based on one’s own initiative, dedication, sales ability, and the strength of Tahitian Noni International products, not on anything else. Network marketing is about people and products. Our Independent Product Consultants love the Tahitian Noni International products that they sell.

Q: What is the shelf life of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice?
A: The shelf life of an unopened bottle of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is 2 years from the manufacturing date. The expiration date is printed on the bottle itself, in the white area near the bottom of the back label. It is printed in this format: DD/MM/YYYY.

After the bottle is opened, the shelf life is one week if not refrigerated and one month if refrigerated at 40°F (4°C).

Q: Tahitian Noni International is currently a private company, any plans to go public?
A: Tahitian Noni International is currently exploring the option of an initial public offering at some time in the future. We envision even further growth as the demand for noni-based health products increase.

Q: What are the company’s expansion plans for the next five years and the next 10 years?
A: In 2006, we plan to open nine Tahitian Noni Cafés™ throughout the world in the following locations: the redesign of the existing Tokyo café along with the Grand Opening of Fukuoka and Nagoya, Japan, Taipei, Munich, Sao Paolo, Atlanta, Dallas and at our company headquarters in Provo, Utah.

We plan to continue to expand our presence around with world including expansion to China, Russia, India and many other locations. We also plan to expand with in our already existing markets with additional sales offices and Tahitian Noni Cafés™ in the United States and Japan.

Q: What is the idea behind the Lifestyle Center of Tahitian Noni?
A: The idea for the Lifestyle Center stemmed from our beginnings in Tokyo. In 2003, we opened our first Tahitian Noni Cafe in the first floor of our office in Tokyo, and had an immediate success. The public in general was delighted, the mass media also, and this really exposed the brand of Tahitian Noni to the people that had not been receptive to our channel of marketing. Currently we are preparing to open our ninth Lifestyle Center; this time in Munich, Germany. The combination of a Tahitian Noni Cafe with a Lifestyle Center where people can experience the Tahitian Noni products has been a success wherever they are found.

Q: What are the objectives of the Lifestyle Center?
A: The Lifestyle Center represents the building, physical aspect, of the Tahitian Noni Brand. People love to shop, eat and learn. The central style of Tahitian Noni life is a place that welcomes the community so that they recognize and experience the benefits of the noni fruit in an environment that is oriented towards purchasing, the diet and entertainment.

Q: What is the future strategy of the concept of the Lifestyle Center?
A: Our objective is to have a Lifestyle Center that is fully functional in all of our principal markets around the globe. TNI will be opening small Product Centers in the smaller cities that are less populated. Our ultimate objective is that everyone around the world can have access to Tahitian Noni products.

Q: What is TNI's policy on animal testing?
A: The welfare of animals is important to us at Tahitian Noni International. We develop many products beneficial to humans, horses, dogs and other animals, complying with all laws and best practices respecting the humane and ethical treatment of animals. Only when alternate scientific methods are clearly inadequate or inappropriate does Tahitian Noni International allow animal testing for products. In these rare situations, research is conducted under contract with academic institutions and professional organizations committed to providing test animals with good care and humane treatment, using as few animals as necessary to yield scientifically reliable results.


You may already know that how TNI sales are touching almost 4 billion in just 10 short years. What you may not know is, NOW more than ever: this is absolutely the best possible time to become involved with Tahitian Noni International to see a new chapter of power and opportunity being unfolded in front of you. We are not just going to say it and move on, we're going to give you what we consider to be the top 20 reasons that back up above statement.
TNI is an industry leader of the Noni market and the best MLM company ever.
  1. A solid compensation plan with Dynamic Compression – every bit of TNI stated 53% commission gets paid every month. If any other company does this, they copied TNI.
  2. Bonus Pools – TNI pays 8% of the monthly commissions based on global CV—unheard of! If any other company does this, they copied TNI.
  3. Toll-free customer service for recruiting and product orders, with multiple language support.
  4. Tahitian Noni Lifestyle Centers opening all over the world. Each location includes a Tahitian Noni Café™, a Tahitian Noni store, and a TNI training facility. If any other MLM company does this, they copied TNI.
  5. Success Path™ – company-funded training, incentive, recognition and rewards program that guides new IPCs through every step of being successful with TNI.
  6. Unique, hard-to-copy, original, industry-leading nutritional supplement that gets powerful results at about $2 per serving (assuming 2 oz. per day consumed). Price any other synthetic or natural supplement and try and beat that, especially when you compare their results to those of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.
  7. Impossible-to-duplicate story (although cheap, obvious knockoffs have tried), rooted in the most exotic corner of the world, Tahiti. Some have come out with similar stories, but they have definitely copied TNI.
  8. A company recognized as having created an entire economy in a nation desperately in need of jobs and commerce, thus gaining worldwide recognition at the United Nations. No company will ever be able to copy that!
  9. Flagship products positioned in the most powerful, lucrative vertical markets in today’s economy: nutrition, weight loss, skin care and beauty, and companion animal nutrition.
  10. Still one of the fastest growing companies in the network marketing industry, and one of the fastest growing of all over the last 20 to 30 years.
  11. Thousands of people sent to Tahiti in just 10 years, with hundreds more going every year.
  12. Created more millionaires faster than any other company in the history of MLM.
  13. After almost 10 years in business, the same five founders united in the same cause, unified in purpose and working together with no conflict or negativity at the top. Still focused on their promise to "cut you in and not cut you out" and making strong, courageous leadership decisions to make that happen.
  14. Company continuing to grow more rapidly in its original market than any other country in the world. The U.S. is still growing at a phenomenal rate.
  15. Huge public relations and brand building campaigns placing Tahitian Noni® products squarely, positively in the public eye on T.V., radio, the internet, and print, thus strengthening IPC recruiting and retailing power.
  16. A long list of impressive spokespeople for TAHITIAN NONI products from the sports, nutrition, medical, science and other communities.
  17. Powerful new ShopTNI concept, a company-supported program that positions IPCs to create an exciting home-based retail business and adding a new Rewards member position to the compensation plan. This concept gives IPCs a better shot at being successful among the 87% of people that are MLM-averse. No company has a focused program that even begins to approach the strength of our plan.
  18. New Power Products that give qualified IPCs the option to buy a certain number of products and get one free, thus doubling retail profits.
  19. Programs and tools designed to grow volume and the Tahitian Noni brand, including major motion pictures about TNI, our IPCs, our products, and our story.
  20. Lead Share program that is completely free to IPCs. TNI pours resources into generating leads and then gives them to IPCs for free, including all future volume associated with those leads. Most other companies in the industry charge for leads.
We challenge anyone, anywhere — to show us a company that has done, does, and will do more for its independent representatives! Show us a company that has grown faster from its beginning, a company that has invented and had as much success in growing a completely new industry, because we know it can’t be done. Take above list of 20 advantages of working with TNI and stack them up against any other company.
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


There are many well known reasons to try TAHITIAN NONI® Juice from Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) for more than 3 months. If you are looking to see if TAHITIAN NONI® Juice can help you, please read below:

  1. If you take control of your health by using TAHITIAN NONI® Juice, you can contribute more to your family, friends and employers due to overall improvement in health. You earn more respect because of your increased contribution in society.
  2. We get feedback that TAHITIAN NONI® Juice helping our customers look and feel good. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice supports the immune system, which strengthens the body’s natural ability to fight disease and infection. Emails from our customers about compliments received by them strengthens our trust in TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.
  3. "All those other Noni products were a bunch of garbage!..." says Vivian. She tried many other cheap Noni Juice that looked "so inexpensive" and "so great". She is our customer for last many months. She was upset because many other cheap Noni juice weren't that effective, easy and permanent. No one matches the leading-edge quality assurance technology from Tahitian Noni International (Morinda).
  4. Many of our customers are busy people and short of time. They use TAHITIAN NONI® Juice because it helps in improving their health tremendously. However we strongly recommend our valuable customers that doing exercise should be your first priority in attempt to achieve optimum health. President of, Nikki drinks TAHITIAN NONI® Juice twice a day to look and feel good. Proper nutrition and regular exercise while drinking TAHITIAN NONI® Juice can bring a tremendous changes in your personality.
  5. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice promotes a healthy digestive system and helps improve the absorption of nutritious foods and can improve your overall health.
  6. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice can bring improvements in energy and boost physical and psychological performance. The fun and excitement you experience will make the change well worth the effort. Action creates motivation!

Feel more energetic, more alive and fewer health problems

Noni leave
All ordes of Noni Juice Come with 100% Money Back Guarantee
Noni fruit
"Noni Juice contains compounds that work at the cellular level to actually increase the positive functionality of cells in the body."
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


People from all walks of life and from around the world... have already discovered the incredible health benefits taking TAHITIAN NONI® Juice.

Just look at some of the great things doctors are saying about TAHITIAN NONI® Juice...

"My goal is to improve the health of many through the precious noni plant. There Are so many things that we are finding out about the Morinda Citrifolia plant the applications are going to be limitless."
---Dr. Anne Hirazumi Kim PhD., Pharmacology
"The Morinda Citrifolia that grows in French Polynesia is about 20% higher in nutrients than is noni fruit from any other part of the world. TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is the only one I use in my practice and the only one I endorse."
---Scott Gerson, M.D
"Out of all the food supplements I have studied and written about, TAHITIAN NONI® Juice has piqued my interest the most. I plan to continue studying it and writing about it because I believe it can help so many people in so many ways."
---Neil Solomon, M.D., PhD., Physiology
"Tahitian Noni International (Morinda)'s exclusive proprietary processing method uses the entire fruit and assures that all of the healthful properties of Morinda citrifolia are included in their juice. I believe Tahitian Noni International (Morinda)'s TAHITIAN NONI® juice to be the best and most abundant source of Proxeronine available. Tahitian Noni International (Morinda)'s TAHITIAN NONI® Juice is the only Morinda citrifolia juice I recommend and endorse."
---Dr. Ralph Heinicke
"Noni helps improve the entire spectrum of your health, not just a single problem. Noni helps your body generate life force... and revives your body's natural ability to heal itself."
---Dr. Sam Kolodney
"I am a complete fan of TAHITIAN NONI® juice. The benefits it affords are unbelievable and I recommend it to all my patients."
---Ken Stejskal, Homeopathic Practitioner
"I am a board certified family practitioner with a successful practice combining traditional allopathy with proven natural treatments. In 11 years of practice I've not seen a product as intriguing and broadly applicable as TAHITIAN NONI® juice. This is the first time I have ever endorsed a product."
---Dr. Bruce L. Heckard
"In all of my experience, I've never seen one product so beneficial in so many situations. I recommend TAHITIAN NONI® juice to my patients and anyone interested in helping maintain good physical health--I love it!"
---Dr. Steven Hall, MD. - Family Practitioner - Seattle, WA
"Once I recognized the wide variety of beneficial effects TAHITIAN NONI® juice is capable of conferring, I felt compelled to share this product with my patients.

I know that TAHITIAN NONI® juice has helped all of my patients who have tried it and can help anyone who is looking to benefit overall.

I have directly or indirectly changed the lives of over 2000 people by introducing them, or someone they know, to TAHITIAN NONI® juice. My personal results have been nothing short of miraculous. Try it - You'll love it."

---Samuel Kolodney - Chiropractor - New Hope, PA
"Thousands of lives are being touched every day by TAHITIAN NONI® juice. I believe it will continue to help many, many people now and in the future."
---Nelson P. Rivers - Pharmacist - Evansville, IN
"We have used a considerable amount of TAHITIAN NONI® juice with our friends and patients. Many have had very good results--some have had spectacular results. The unique thing about TAHITIAN NONI® juice is that there is no worthy competitor nor comparable product anywhere."
---Jack Souder - Chiropractor - Angola, IN
"By my own experiences and my own eyewitness, I can say with a certainty that noni is a miracle fruit."
---Dr. Sam KolodneyMian-Ying Wang, M. D. - Research, UIC College of Medicine at Rockford, Dept. Biomedical Sciences
"TAHITIAN NONI® juice has been very successful with my family, but I am most grateful to Tahitian Noni International (Morinda) for my four-legged patients. TAHITIAN NONI® juice has made my job easier. In my thirty-five years of practice, I have never seen anything like TAHITIAN NONI® juice."
---Gary Tran, D.V.M. - Director, Animal Emergency Center
"This is an exceptional product. I have found that it has helped many of my patients. I would recommend it to anyone."
---Betty J. Carter, M.D. - Lutz, FL
"TAHITIAN NONI® juice just makes me, as well as many of my patients, feel better. I never miss a day taking it."
---Dr. Sam KolodneyWayne Cole, D.O. Osteopathic Physician - Family Practice - Providence, PA
"In my work as an iridologist and kinesiologist, I have many occasions to recommend TAHITIAN NONI® juice to my clients. I am pleased with the experiences I have had using TAHITIAN NONI® juice with my clients and my family. We have had so many positive results that have reinforced our confidence in the product."
---Tom Stone, ND, CNHP, MH - Kentwood, MI
"I am a complete fan of TAHITIAN NONI® juice. The benefits it affords are unbelievable and I recommend it to all my patients."
---Ken Stejskal - Homeopathic Practitioner - Hutchinson, KS
"I have noticed that there seems to be a positive response to TAHITIAN NONI® Juice in the body. This is a wonderful discovery for millions of people throughout the world. I believe TAHITIAN NONI® to be the most exciting product of our time."
---Mona Harrison M.D. - Yelm, Wa
"The TAHITIAN NONI® juice products have radically changed my medical practice. I enjoy going to work just to use them with my patients."
---Donald Mantell, M.D. - Family Practice - Cranberry, PA
"Many of my patients feel they have been able to do things they never would have been able to do thanks to TAHITIAN NONI® juice. It really seems to benefit all who take it."
---Barbara Flot, M.D. - Los Angeles, CA
"I have seen TAHITIAN NONI® juice benefit my patients. I also use this product personally, as well as give it to my loved ones."
---Frederick Pryce, PhD Clinical Biochemistry - New Orleans, ON, CAN
"Twenty-five years of nutritional medicine experience never prepared me for the wonders of TAHITIAN NONI® juice. This is the most remarkable product I have ever seen."
---William E. Doell, M.D.
"Noni juice has been very effective for the majority of my patients. I offer it as a food supplement, Not as a drug, and most of them choose using it. Noni juice has improved not only my life, but the lives of many of my patients."
---Dr. Bryant Bloss
Tahitian Noni Internaional
Independent Distributor
ID. IPC # 2527964


Mineral variability among 177 commercial noni juices.

Brett J West, Charles B Tolson, Randy G Vest, Summer Jensen, Travis G Lundell.

The industry-wide mineral profile of commercial noni juices was determined by analyses of 177 competing brands by Tahitian Noni International laboratories. A large degree of variability was found in the concentrations of nine minerals, revealing that not all noni juices are the same. Many brands of noni juice have a different nutrient profile than that published by the European Union for TAHITIAN NONI® Juice. While potassium was found to be the most prominent mineral, its concentration in most commercial brands is of minor nutritional significance, contrary to claims made in some previous publications that were based only on the analysis of one minor brand name. (view original abstract at

Journal of Food Science, Vol. 71(8) pp. R100-106. October 2006
A safety review of noni fruit juice.

Abstract. A literature review and data from news studies are presented to describe the safety of noni fruit juice. Several preclinical safety tests and human clinical studies have revealed no adverse health effects, even at very high doses. The data from these studies support the continued use of noni juice as a safe healthy food. (original article available at ) World Journal of Gastroenterology, Vol. 12(22) pp. 3616-3619. June 2006
Noni juice is not hepatotoxic.

Abstract. Noni juice has been approved as a safe food within the European Union. A few cases reports suggesting a role of noni juicein acute hepatitis, due to anthraquinones, is not supported by chemical analyses, several preclinical safety studies, and a clinical human safety study in 96 volunteers. Liver function tests in these studies revealed no adverse liver effects, even at very high doses. Anthraquinones in noni fruit are of the wrong type and occur in quantities too small to cause any negative liver effects. A large amount of data reveal that noni juice is not hepatotoxic. (original article available at )

The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 10-14, 2006.

Evaluation of the allergenic potential of Morinda citrifolia L. leaf proteins, AGFD 158.

Brett J West and Afa Palu.

Abstract. Analysis of proteins from noni leaves reveals that they are easily digested by pepsin, a digestive enzyme in the stomach that breaks down proteins. A characteristic of non-allergen food proteins is that they are readily digested by pepsin. This provides further evidence for the safe use of noni leaves as food. (view original abstract at

The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 10-14, 2006.

Noni contains competitive ligand(s) binding to GABAa agonist receptors as an anxiolytic.

Shixin Deng, Afa K Palu, Bing-Nan Zhou, Jarakae C. Jensen, Brett J West. AGFD 67.

Summary. For the first time, the biological mechanism of noni fruit’s effect to help relieve stress and anxiety (anxiolytic), calm and relax, improve mood and sense of well being is reported. Noni fruit extracts effectively bind to gamma-aminobutyric acid A (GABAa) receptors. These are inhibitory neurotransmitter receptors found in the brain. Such binding activity is well known to produce sedative and anxiolytic effects. (view original abstract at

The 232nd American Chemical Society National Meeting, San Francisco, CA. September 10-14, 2006.

Morinda citrifolia L. Noni: An angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor. AGFD 130.

Afa K. Palu, Bing-Nan Zhou, Shixin Deng, Brett J. West

Summary. The possible biological mechanism by which noni juice may help control blood pressure is reported. In vitro (meaning in test tube conditions) tests found that increasing concentrations of noni juice resulting in more inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and more blocking of angiotensin (AT) receptors. Both ACE and AT receptors are involved in raising blood pressure, and inhibiting their activity may result in the lower of high blood pressure. (view original abstract at

The 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Pharmacognosy. August 5-9, 2006. Arlington, Virginia.

Constituents of the fruit of noni and their Selective inhibitory effects of cyclooxygenase-2 enzyme.

Shixin Deng, Afa Palu, Bing-nan Zhou, Chen Su, Jarakae Jensen, Brett West

Summary. Several phytochemicals have been isolated from noni fruit which selectively inhibit COX-2 in vitro, indicating potential anti-inflammatory activity. Of these phytochemicals, two novel compounds (not known to exist anywhere previously) have been discovered. (view original abstract at

IVth International Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants from French Overseas Regions. Tahiti. July 10-13, 2006. p. 12.

The inhibitory effects of Morinda citrifolia L. noni on phosphodiesterase enzymes: The possible mechanisms for increasing energy and improving diabetic conditions. CIPAM 2006 Abstracts.

Afa K. Palu, Chen Su, Bing-Nan Zhou, Brett West, Shixin Deng, Jarakae Jensen

Abstract. Noni fruit juice has in vitro inhibitory effects on phosphodiesterase enzyme 3 (PDE-3), DPP-IV and aldose reductase enzymes. Noni juice is also an in vitro agonist of P2Y receptors, and is an in vitro PTP1B receptor antagonist. All these effects indicate the possibility of noni juice to help utilize fat and sugar stores more efficiently, as well as limit free radical production associated with exercise fatigue. This data suggests drinking noni juice may improve overall energy, shorten excerise recovery time, and help maintain appropriate blood glucose levels.

IVth International Conference on Aromatic and Medicinal Plants from French Overseas Regions. Tahiti. July 10-13, 2006. p. 28.

The inhibitory effects of Morinda citrifolia L. noni on phosphodiesterase enzymes: The possible mechanisms for increasing energy and improving diabetic conditions. CIPAM 2006 Abstracts.

Chen Su, Brett J West, Afa K. Palu, Bing-Nan Zhou, Jarakae Jensen, John Fritz, Anne Hirazumi-Kim

Abstract. Noni-ppt, the ethanol insoluble precipitate from noni juice, was found to have anti-metastatic activity in mice. The anti-metastatic substance in noni-ppt was purified and found to inhibit the adhesion of tumor cells to tissues. This potentially explains at least one mechanism by which noni juice prevents tumor development in mice.

The 47th Annual Meeting of Society for Economic Botany, Folk Botanical Wisdom; Towards Global Markets. June 5-9, 2006. Final Program, page 71

Morinda citrifolia L. Noni has cholesterol lowering potential

Afa Kehaati Palu, Brett Justin West, Jarakae Jensen, Bing-nan Zhou.

Summary. Noni fruit juice was found to inhibit the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase in vitro. This enzyme is involved in the synthesis of cholesterol in humans. The observed inhibitory action may explain, in part, the mechanism behind the cholesterol lowering effect observed in a human clinical trial. (view the original abstract at

46th Annual Conference on Cardiovascular Disease Epidemiology and Prevention in Association with the Council on Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Metabolism. American Heart Association. Pheonix, Arizona. March 2-5, 2006.

The effects of Morinda citrifolia (noni) fruit juice on serum cholesterol and triglycerides in current smokers.

Mian-ying Wang, Eric Henley, Jeanette Nolting, Alexandra Cheerva, Jarakae Jensen, Gary Anderson, Diane Nowicki, Stephen Story.

Abstract. A double blind, placebo-controlled clinical study in current heavy smokers revealed that drinking one to four ounces of TAHITIAN NONI® Juice (TNJ) for one month had a beneficial effect on blood lipids. These results indicate, for the first time, that TNJ is able to lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in current smokers. (view the meeting report at

Eur J Gastroenterology & Hepatology (2006), 18:575-577

Noni juice protects the liver

Claude J. Jensen, Johannes Westendorf, Mian-Ying Wang, David P. Wadsworth

Abstract. This was a published correspondence to the journal editor refuting one of their recent published articles by Millonig et al. alleging acute hepatitis from a patient’s consumption of noni juice. Jensen et al. pointed out that there is substantial published data which shows that noni juice actually protects the liver from damage by liver toxic substances. Further, the authors discuss several problems with the article by the Millonig group: 1) no re-exposure test was conducted to confirm the observed toxicity results, 2) the article incorrectly cited support for the patient’s elevated liver enzymes from an earlier published article, which in fact contains research that shows pre-exposure to noni fruit juice protects the liver of experimental rats, 3) the Millonig group postulated that anthraquinones in the juice may have produced the liver toxicity. However, published reports confirm that anthraquinones are not present in the juice. Also, the absence of anthraquinones in Tahitian Noni® Juice was a prerequisite for the European Union’s 2003 approval of noni as a novel food, 4) the Austrian Agency for Health and Nutrition Safety conducted an independent analysis of Tahitian Noni® Juice with the conclusion, “the above described product has no toxic effects on the liver”, and 5) a trial was conducted with 96 human volunteers who consumed up to 750 ml of Tahitian Noni Juice per day for 6 weeks. Blood chemistry analyses, including liver enzymes, showed no abnormalities. In the reply by Millonig to this article, she admits that no proof of causality could be established.

International Congress and 54th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant Research, Helsinki, Finland, Aug. 29–Sep. 2, 2006

Phytoestrogenic Activity of Morinda citrifolia L. Fruits

Simla Basar, Hassan Iznaguen, Andre Zeglin, Johannes Westendorf

Poster Summary. Following a brief presentation of the growing and traditional health-benefits usages of Morinda citrifolia, the authors focused on the estrogenic effects found in Noni fruit puree. They found that a hexane extract of the puree produced a dose-dependent replacement of the natural hormone estradiol from its receptor. The compound responsible for this estrogenic activity was called CPx. Spectral analyses confirming its presence included UV, 1H NMR, and 13C-Pendant NMR.

J Vet Intern Med 2006. 20(3):756; Abstract #165

Tahitian Noni® Equine Essentials™: A Novel Anti-inflammatory and a COX-2 Inhibitor Which Regulates LPS-induced Inflammatory Mediator Expression in Equine Neonatal Monocytes

J. Xu, A. C. McSloy, B. K. Anderson, R. G. Godbee, S. F. Peek, B. J. Darien

Abstract. Given the broad range of therapeutic effects attributed to noni (Morinda citrifolia), the authors tested their hypothesis that Tahitian Noni® Equine Essentials® would modulate endotoxin (microbial toxin that can cause inflammation) inflammatory responses in equine foal monocytes (young blood cells) by regulating COX-2 expression (an enzyme involved in inflammation). The test foals were fed orally 60 ml of Tahitian Noni® Equine Essentials®, twice daily for 60 days. Blood samples were taken at days 10 and 60, from which the peripheral monocytes were isolated and separated into test and control groups. The test group was then stimulated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) for 2 hrs. The treated foals showed a dramatic fold reduction in COX-2, TNF-ά (tumor necrosis factor), ILs-1β, -8, and -6 (interleukins, protein mediators between white blood cells) mRNA (messenger RNA), compared to the untreated controls. A similar, but less dramatic, reduction was observed at 60 days. These results indicate that foals receiving the Tahitian Noni® Equine Essentials® may experience promising anti-inflammatory therapy.

3rd European Workshop on Equine Nutrition: Nutrition and Feeding of the Broodmare; Campobasso, Molise Univ., Italy; Jun 20-22, 2006

Tahitian Noni® Equine Essentials® Regulates LPS-Induced COX-2 and Cytokine Expression in Equine Neonatal Monocytes: A Preliminary Study

J. Xu, J. Cai, R. G. Godbee, S. F. Peek, B. J. Darien

Abstract. This study was to investigate the effects of TAHITIAN NONI Equine Essentials on endotoxin-induced COX-2 and cytokine expression in the monocytes of equine foals at ages 0,10, and 60 days. Compared to the controls, the results showed that LPS-stimulated monocytes from the treated foals had reduced levesl of COX-2, TNF-ά (tumor necrosis factor), ILs-1β, -8, and -6.